Sunday, February 17, 2008

Negro please...

Don't come at me with that same old, sorry ass lame "Lil' Wayne is the best rapper alive" shit. Get off that bull.

I mean, yes he can freestyle his ass off...under the influence of God knows what while doing so. Yes, a lot of shit that he says does blow you away, but hell, half the shit he says is wack as hell. Yeah, I said it. So what? You know I'm right.

Plus, I don't have the time or energy to keep up and listen to every new motherflippin mixtape this guy's too much. So you will NEVER see me hopping on the Weezy F. Baby

And then there are the delusional ass kids who have the nerve to compare him to Jay. But not only compare him, they have the audacity to say, out loud mind you, that he's BETTER than Jay. that sentence over again. Not only does it sound ridiculous, it even looks stupid as hell. Kids these days need to learn to respect the greats. Jay gave Weezy shit to run with.

I mean, Wayne is real, no doubt, but until he can construct a full, thoughtful album...not a MIXTAPE...I don't want to hear anyone else sucking his dick.

Oh...and until he sells out Madison Square Garden in a matter of minutes, I don't want to hear him being dubbed "the best rapper alive."


Anonymous said...

its not that i know what the hell sparked this...but i had to give u props on ur journalistik skills..

had me dying wit the jay gave weezy something to run wit thing..

no one else may feel me
but i love how u set that joke up!

Toussaint said...

lil wayne is the best of this era. not rapper wise.. but music in took over the game for this part of rap