Thursday, December 20, 2007

While listening to "Hood Nigga"...

A few things came to mind:

1. What's up with female insecurity when it comes to how they look? I mean, of course I don't think I'm perfect or anything and I have those things about myself that are kinda quirky, but hey-it's all apart of the package that is Marissa. But it wasn't until this year, my first semester of college, being submersed into a life that I was not at all accustomed to, did I realize just how deep female insecurities go.

I mean, the jealousy is sickening. Ladies, talking about some other girl's "messed up weave" or how "she's not even cute anyway" when she clearly is, is low. Why can't females accept the fact that oh God forbid, there are indeed other attractive females in the world? And by picking out the things that you believe are flaws (or just creating imaginary flaws) and attacking does not help any situation. Well, sure, if you have low self-esteem, of course you're going to feel a bit better by the false comfort of knowing you look better than someone else. Yet, my dear, you need to wake up and realize that your words hold no hokus pokus force. Calling her ugly will not magically make her ugly. It actually has the reverse affect.

2. Guys. I'm just shaking my head.

Since when did every female on the face of the planet owe you? And when did it become a rule that we should feel honored by your presence? And when did you HAVE to be rewarded for the things you're SUPPOSED to do anyway? Yes, you opened my door. Yes, you pulled out the chair. Yes, you bought lunch...and it was the best cheeseburger ever. But since when do you deserve a standing ovation for those things? I mean, yes they are very much appreciated and they do earn you points...but don't get carried away. Oh, and why would you expect to get sex for doing those things???? And honestly be really offended when you don't get it?

Ahh...with that mentality, you and your right hand will become very familiar with each other. Or your left hand, what ever.

3. I haven't gone out dancing in quite sometime. That needs to happen ASAP because my dancing shoes are not being put to good use.


shit said...

ugh i agree with ladies being so damn jealous and insecure. it's to the point where even your own "so called" friends will talk down about you when your not around or fight over boys when it's def. not worth it. it's like everything has to be a competition. no matter how cute you think you are, there is always another female who is prettier, smarter, skinnier, we just need to get over our insecurities, be content with who we are, and stop hating on other females. the end!

The Poet said...

damn. i heard this 110%.

"since when did every female on the face of the planet owe you".