Yep..for those of you who are OBVIOUSLY out of the loop and didn't know that Beyonce and I go way back...well, I'm just glad you've just been informed now. But anywho. check out these pics of her with her dancers at the "Beyonce Experience" party. (Sidenote: any of you can just go ahead and cop me that Beyonce Experience DVD at anytime. Thaaaanks.)
I Is this the same woman who changed my life with the Miseducation? The one who told me everything is everything? I can't even continue..I'm just shaking my head.
Man, you just gotta love twins. Especially twins cool enough to create these super fresh bad ass belts made out of legos and other toys (which I wish I could still play with without getting awkward stares from judgmental pricks). Soooo...Ricky & Dee Jackson, gimme a call sometime. Let's make something happen. Don't forget the belts ; )
Yes, I must confess that during the glory days of Saved by the Bell, i was a devout Lisa Turtle fan. I mean, I could just relate to her the most. Obviously, with her being the ONLY black member of the cast and all. But still, she had style, flare, and a sassy demeanor that just stole my heart. So, here's to you Lisa Turtle!
So there's been a good length of time that has passed since I've last blogged it up. A lot has happened since then. Way too much has happened. And it has all impacted me greatly and has directed me to make some decisions in my life.
Decision #1: Do things at my own pace
Decision #2: Trust my intuition and go with it
Decision #3: If the need arises, more than likely everyone will screw me over, so don't put myself in a situation where that can happen
Decision #4: Look more than I listen
Decision #5: Smile through out it all
Now that I am 18 and in college, these decisions seem to be saving me from a lot of feeble drama which can lead to irritating headaches and wasted energy. I know what truly matters in life, and I'm learning how to protect myself first. That may sound selfish on the surface, but it honestly makes complete sense.
"Why every Indian wanna be the chief? Feed a man 'til he's full and he still want beef. Give me grief, try to thief off my piece, Why for you to increase, I must decrease? If I treat you kindly does it mean that I'm weak? You hear me speak and think I won't take it to the streets. I know enough cats that don't turn the other cheek, But I try to keep it civilized like Menelik." -Lauryn Hill
"Cash rules everything around me- C.R.E.A.M." -Wu-Tang Clan
Contact Info:
If any of you want to contact me for a possible interview, or you'd like for me to check out some of your music, or if there's anything you'd really like for me to post on the blog, you can shoot me over an e-mail: