And about a month ago, my relationship ended. Hmmm...does anyone else see the possibility of a direct correlation between said haircut and doomed relationship?
Well, honestly, I knew this person from my past would absolutely hate my new hairstyle. Actually, he made sure that I knew he would hate it by constantly reiterating that fact. I think that he almost had a coronary expressing his disdain for girls with short hair. Seriously. True story.
But the decision ultimately rested in my hands. Cut my hair and possibly upset this person from my past OR not cut my hair and constantly resent him and be disappointed in myself?
In the back of my mind, I knew as the scissors were snipping away, I was also snipping away at my relationship.
And damn, did it feel goooooood.
Yes, I am single. But I've never felt any better. Who knew that by cutting my hair, I would also be cutting out all of the bullshit in my life??? I don't know why I didn't do it any sooner haha.

So this is me. All of me. You don't like what you see? Well look the other way muthacluckas because I'm still gonna get money, and stunt, and stay glorious.