Because of a conversation I had yesterday with a friend, I'm now, more than ever, convinced that kids truly rule the world.
You see, kids dominate everything. They are the reason why music is censored on the airwaves. They are the reason why there are 5 second delays during live broadcasts over the television. They are the reason why you have to wait until the wee hours of the night to get your dose of BET uncut. Seriously, they control everything.
Specifically, they have began to slowly rule the music industry...when it comes to record sales anyway. And when you think about it, that's MAJOR. Artists, no matter how much they may say they're making music because they love it & it's not about numbers and blah blah blah, make music to make a PROFIT. Every artists wants to sell a crazy amount of records. Every artists wants to go platinum, triple platinum, or diamond, because that's what they've dreamt of their entire lives.
But, seriously, when was the last time YOU honestly bought a record from a legitimate store? Yeah, it's been awhile right? But, you know who is out there buying albums? Those parents of those snotty nosed, sticky fingered, angelic kids.
So, in essence, in order to sell and put up crazy numbers, artists need to tap into that Disney market, brainwash these bubblegum fiends, and milk these parents for all they're worth.
Look at Miley Cyrus' rich ass. Hannah Montana is her golden ticket, and she's cashing in on it every opportunity that she gets.

I know what you aspiring artists are thinking, it's not all about the money right? You don't want to go against YOUR music and sell out to sell records, right? Well, that's completely fine. I'm not knocking that in the least...I actually encourage it. Go ahead and be completely happy with being broke, making the music that you want to make for yourself and your friends, and only selling those records to yourself and your friends.
And I'm out.